Thursday, February 16, 2012

Top Eleven Things You Need To Do To Get the Results You Want At The Gym

11) Stop trying to look like someone else. You will not override genetics without surgery.

10) Drink lots of water.

9) Show up to the gym at least four times a week.

8) Stop trying to out train your diet. You can’t.

7) Eat like a predator. Despite what you may have heard Lions don’t suffer from gout, Wolfs don’t need cholesterol meds & not often will you see an eagle on the ground recovering from a heart attack.

6) If you have to ask your coach: “should I go heavier today?” you already know the answer.

5) If you have significant weight or fat to loose stick to your diet RELIGIOUSLY for at least 3 weeks. It’s going to suck, deal with it. If you choose to cheat yourself at the very least own it. The quality of your diet is evident in your progress. Don’t waste your time lying.

4) Don’t try to tailor the program to what you think will work for you. If you had it figured out you probably would not be reading this. There is a lot of thought being put into every work out & every training cycle. I am sure you can find plenty of contradicting information on line regarding what you are told to do. If you sincerely agree with whatever it is some nameless, faceless individual posted on line you should seriously consider training with them instead.

3) Milk is for babies & calves. Unless you are either stick to meat & vegetables.

2) Consistency beats skill & talent every day of the week. This applies the same to what you eat, how much rest you get & how you train.

1) Strength will make you faster but speed won’t make you stronger.


  1. Great points Andy but I disagree with 1 and 3. When I get a chance later tonight I will write my dissertation. For now, see below. It will be nice to get everyone's thoughts on this.

    Speed=Explosiveness. Explosiveness gives you the ability to throw more weight around. Go try doing any kind of lifting movement slow and then fast/explosive. There is a reason athletes train plyometrically. Slow will get you big, Fast will get you lean and strong. We can discuss white (fast twitch) vs red (slow twitch) muscle fibers later. This is going to be awesome.

    Milk, especially raw, is full of Proteins, fats, and Aminos that will help put on size/strength (with appropriate training). Not saying that Meat is not, but milk is more convenient. Check out GOMAD diet (Andy I know you know GOMAD).

    Again, I will write more on all this when I am not at work. Thoughts Andy/All?

  2. The goal with the post above was neither to create an in depth article about nutrition nor to answer all the questions regarding training. Nevertheless, I believe that common sense & self-experimentation are the best options in order to find what works for people individually. My opinion about milk is based on the following facts:
    -No other mammal consumes milk as an adult.
    - The majority (4/5 if I remember correctly) of antibiotics produced in the USA are for livestock use.
    - Milk has lots of sugar that the average person can do without.
    -GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day) is indeed very popular. But before you start chugging your first carton Google images of those who chose to do it, show said pictures to whoever has to see naked on regular basis and then decide if this is the shortcut you want to take.
    -Based exclusively on macro nutrient profile, I’d rather drink a pint of beer & eat six chicken wings instead of 8 ounces of milk.
    -Milk makes seasonal allergies & sinus inflammation more problematic. (My experience)
    As far as raw milk is concerned I don’t know enough to make a call. I do believe that TRUE raw milk is not legal for sale in the state of VA.

    I agree with you in your assessment of training. Tip number one on the list was intended to highlight how using heavier weights on regular basis will make the lighter loads more manageable. Strength after all, like most things in life, is relative.

  3. Great points J.Eck. I think Milk can be ok as long as you don't have an intolerance to it. I've never had Raw Milk but I would love to try it!!!

    I love our programming at CFF and I trust in it 110% I agree with Andy. Just follow it blindly and the results will be the proof!

