Welcome to our new nutrition endeavor. We say “our” because we want you to make permanent changes that will improve the quality of your life. We want you to be involved by sharing what you learn & by designing a program that will work for you & your personal circumstances.
We all know the basics of the Paleo/ Ketogenic style diet so we won’t go into too many details. If you have questions feel free to borrow one of the books in the Gym’s library or ask one of the coaches.
Here are the rules of the challenge:
-30 day Paleo Challenge. It starts April 1st, 2012 thru April 30th, 2012.
-Participants must blog daily. We don’t need details. Limit your comments to whether you met the rules you’ve set, your wod for the day & any changes you have noticed.
-Before the end of the challenge we want you to list a recipe you have enjoyed. No repeats so go ahead & experiment.
-You must participate in at least 14 wods at the gym during the month. No exceptions unless due to travel.
-Your introductory blog should outline what you are giving up along with two “sanity items”. This is your chance to tailor the program to your needs. It also puts the responsibility for the success on your shoulders. Take some time to figure out what you can’t or don’t want to live without for a month. Sanity items are what you feel will make the diet manageable. Choose wisely grasshopper. Sanity items CAN NOT be gluten products, high fructose corn syrup or Franken-foods. Also moderation is the key. In other words: A piece of chocolate a day it’s ok. A Snickers bar every night, not ok. Most condiments are now available without HFCS.
-Fish Oil and plenty of water are suggested. You choose when & how much.
-1 Cheat meal a week.
-30 day Paleo Challenge. It starts April 1st, 2012 thru April 30th, 2012.
-Participants must blog daily. We don’t need details. Limit your comments to whether you met the rules you’ve set, your wod for the day & any changes you have noticed.
-Before the end of the challenge we want you to list a recipe you have enjoyed. No repeats so go ahead & experiment.
-You must participate in at least 14 wods at the gym during the month. No exceptions unless due to travel.
-Your introductory blog should outline what you are giving up along with two “sanity items”. This is your chance to tailor the program to your needs. It also puts the responsibility for the success on your shoulders. Take some time to figure out what you can’t or don’t want to live without for a month. Sanity items are what you feel will make the diet manageable. Choose wisely grasshopper. Sanity items CAN NOT be gluten products, high fructose corn syrup or Franken-foods. Also moderation is the key. In other words: A piece of chocolate a day it’s ok. A Snickers bar every night, not ok. Most condiments are now available without HFCS.
-Fish Oil and plenty of water are suggested. You choose when & how much.
-1 Cheat meal a week.
-Set up a goal & make it public. Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve with this effort? Be assertive & specific. You will know better than anyone else if it is really making a difference on your health, performance & appearance.