Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day One of "Paleo My Way"


Welcome to our new nutrition endeavor. We say “our” because we want you to make permanent changes that will improve the quality of your life. We want you to be involved by sharing what you learn & by designing a program that will work for you & your personal circumstances.

We all know the basics of the Paleo/ Ketogenic style diet so we won’t go into too many details. If you have questions feel free to borrow one of the books in the Gym’s library or ask one of the coaches.
Here are the rules of the challenge:

-30 day Paleo Challenge. It starts April 1st, 2012 thru April 30th, 2012.

-Participants must blog daily. We don’t need details. Limit your comments to whether you met the rules you’ve set, your wod for the day & any changes you have noticed.

-Before the end of the challenge we want you to list a recipe you have enjoyed. No repeats so go ahead & experiment.

-You must participate in at least 14 wods at the gym during the month. No exceptions unless due to travel.

-Your introductory blog should outline what you are giving up along with two “sanity items”. This is your chance to tailor the program to your needs. It also puts the responsibility for the success on your shoulders. Take some time to figure out what you can’t or don’t want to live without for a month. Sanity items are what you feel will make the diet manageable. Choose wisely grasshopper. Sanity items CAN NOT be gluten products, high fructose corn syrup or Franken-foods. Also moderation is the key. In other words: A piece of chocolate a day it’s ok. A Snickers bar every night, not ok. Most condiments are now available without HFCS.

-Fish Oil and plenty of water are suggested. You choose when & how much.

-1 Cheat meal a week.
-Set up a goal & make it public. Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve with this effort? Be assertive & specific. You will know better than anyone else if it is really making a difference on your health, performance & appearance.


  1. Here it is in a nutshell. I want to practice what I preach. I eat well during the week then I normally indulge in gluten and sugar on the weekends. I want to stop this madness.

    My goal for this challenge is to rid my body of gluten and nasty sugar. I want to feel better, perform better, and sleep better. I know that going Paleo will give me all those things.

    I will enjoy my cheats, but without gluten and sugar. This will be a first for me.

    My "Sanity Items" will be rice and creamy salad dressings.

    I already have all my meals for today so I don't have to worry about what to prepare and I have already planned to go for a run this afternoon to get ready for a 10K race I'm running in at the end of the month.

    Can't wait to start feeling better and yes the girl in me says looking better as well.

    Happy Day!!!


  2. I, Andres Martinez, being of sound mind pledge to do the following:

    -Limit my food intake to clean, natural, not processed foods for the next 30 days.
    -I am giving up completely for the next month all products containing gluten. This will include beer, tortillas & flour. (I use it to thicken sauces & coat meats when cooking.) Along with foods fried on vegetable oil, grains and artificial sweeteners.
    -I will also eat vegetables every day, supplement with fish oil and vitamin D daily.
    -I will try to cook at home my cheat meals in order to prevent any set backs.
    -My sanity items are dark chocolate & low glycemic dairy products such as butter, heavy whipping cream and cheese as condiments.
    My goals are:
    -Lean out. Ideally lower body fat by 2%.
    -Test the effect of the diet on my seasonal allergies & recovery after work outs.
    -Grow a head of hair ala Alec Baldwin.
    -Put my money where my mouth is for a whole month. Then go on vacation and eat with the voracity and disregard of a dog who just stole a Thanksgiving turkey.

  3. Okay, back on the Paleo wagon!! Yay!! I definitely needed this push. Started the day with some bacon and eggs! Had to have some cream in my coffee--that'll be one of my sanity items, as well as a little bit of dairy-low glycemic of course. I'll also be eating white rice sometimes.
    My goals for this challenge are no sugar, no gluten--even in the evenings when I start to lose it. I can go paleo all day, then the evening comes and I lose it. I am going to commit!
    I'm really hoping to lose a few pounds and tone up my abs. I also can't wait to see if no gluten helps out with my spring allergies.

    Wish me luck!

  4. Jennifer and Mike Myers pledge to follow the Paleo challenge for the next 30 days. We are giving up gluten, flour, fried foods, and dairy.

    We pledge to eat veggies daily, fish several times a week, and lean cuts of meat and no processed stuff (nothing from a box or can).

    Our Sanity items may be dark chocolate and one beer each (a week) :-( that one's going to hurt!

    My goal is to see the results of good clean eating mixed with Cross-Fit.I want to truly see the results of Cross-fit. I feel like I Cross-Fit only to eat like HELL! epic fail....I have to do better!

    My husband, Mike's goal is to see the results of eating clean and how it effects his body and inflamation issues he has. He doesn't crossfit but does exercise daily. We both garden, grow our own veggies and have free range chickens; we have always wanted to try and rely more on our labor of love and do this but never quite knew what to do in completeness so were excited! (Remind us of that in a week from now LOL!) Good luck everyone.

  5. "Are you there, Robb? It's me, Dana. "

    Why: I have been down this road before; I know I can stick to the challenge for 30 days or more. I know I see results when I stick to the plan, but I haven’t just fallen off the wagon, the wagon ran me over, backed up and ran me over again. I crave sugar and not just a little. I need to give up this addiction as only peer pressure can do.

    Plan: I am sticking to strict paleo (meat, veggies, fruit, nuts and eggs), all other items excluded. I am, however, going to limit my fruit intake to only post-workout meals. Giving up the normal evils: all grain, milk, sugar, fake sugar, Hostess fruit pies and the like. My sanity items will be small amounts of dark chocolate and low glycemic dairy. Ideally indulging in these items a few times a week and not daily.

    Goals: I am hoping to purge my body of high fructose corn syrup, increase my strength performance, help my seasonal allergies and feel better in general.

  6. This is my first time attempting to go Paleo, so I am both excited and nervous to see how it goes. My goal for these 30 days (and hopefully longer if I so choose to continue...) is to become stronger, healthier, and leaner. My plan is to eat more veggies (I can be quite te slacker on the veggie intake) and none of that canned garbage. Fresh fruits and veggies combined with meat, eggs, nuts, etc. My sanity items will include cheese and 1 small piece of chocolate per day aka 1 Hershey's kiss. Lots of water will also be in the plan, of course. I am looking forward to seeing what changes will be happening over the next few weeks!
    - Ashley

  7. I, Maddie, are taking on the 30 day paleo challenge for one reason, and one reason only. Everyone else doing it, so why not.
    I already have a personal paleo chef at home anyways so that should be pretty simple.
    My sanity items will be dairy and white rice.
    For my once a week cheat i will be eating whatever...yes that includes my double chocolatey chip frappucinno from Starbucks.
    My goals are to increase my strength at the gym and clearer skin.

  8. Since I never fell off the Paleo wagon, I pledge to continue to eat the "Paleo way". I may cut down on some fruits and see if that has an impact on my WODs, energy levels, body composition, etc.

    My Goals:
    1. Not kill Heather as she tries to change her diet.
    2. Increase Strength
    3. Not kill Heather as she tries to change her diet.
    4. Decrease body fat
    5. Not kill Heather as she tries to change her diet.
    6. Improve my metcon

    My cheats:
    None planned.

    Good luck everyone and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you along the way.

  9. I will continue eating paleo plus rice. I will strive to replace my rice with even more green leafy veggies. Good luck everyone.

  10. One of my favorite thing's about Paleo is BACON and EGG'S!!!!!!! I will be having these almost daily. I am taken the 30 day "Paleo My Way". I will be having my Paul Newman salad dressing and one piece of Lindor Chocolate a day as my sanity item's, this will be a big change for me because I have really been hitting the sweet's hard lately. My goal's are to have more energy, have better workout's, conquer those DAMN DOUBLE UNDER'S, feel better in my jean's. All though my husband does not crossfit, he has agreed to make some sacrifice's this month with me, Super excited about that!!!

  11. I'm taking the challenge. One of my goals will be to try and cut out most of the processed food and bad carbs from my kids diets. I know it sounds silly but I want to get the whole family on board. Another goal of mine is to pick up more running within these 30 days (started today with a 2+hour trail run. Didn't mean to go that far but I got lost. LOL!)
    My two items will be low glycemic dairy products and rice (although it will be a rare treat).
    Looking forward to everyone's recipes and stories!

  12. I guess no one knows who Jasandmeme is...sorry.


  13. After doing the 1st Paleo Challenge at the end of last year I feel like 30 days is going to fly by. I actually enjoy Paleo. Not saying that sometimes it isn't super tough to keep from giving in to temptation but I feel SOOOOOO much better all around when I am following a paleo lifestyle. Like Lindsay I have a weekend weakness! I usually have little problems following paleo during the week but something about Saturday & Sunday put me into binge mode. I want to break that habit badly because Mondays would feel so much better if I wasn't coming off a sugar/starch indulgent weekend.

    My goals are better sleep, to get stronger, to post better met con times but mainly I want to lean out. I want to be very defined (not in a Katie Hogan Ultimate Body Building Competition type of way) More like an Andrea Ager tummy type of way :) :) :) So I am gonna limit the fruit and crank up the green leafy veg and hope for the best!

    My sanity items are going to be heavy cream for my coffee and a small serving of dark chocolate at night. I am pretty excited to be doing this again. It's always so encouraging when everyone is in the same boat as you are.

    Good Luck. Everyone is going to do great.

  14. Paleo on sale-e-o, get you some paleo. Amped for this eating competition to start. I'm going to come out the gate with no cheats planned. What I hope to get out of this is a leaner body composition, stronger met-con and win the rare 10k. Get amped! No way I'm giving up coffee, that cool? See you in the gym tomorrow 430-730.


  15. Ah Paleo, we meet again. The first time I danced with you the only things I gained were weight loss, better sleep, clearer skin, more energy and improved performance at Forward (hello Double Unders, I own you now.) Yet, I strayed from you. I mocked you every time I drove through Chick-Fil-A and scooped up synthetic cheese sauce with a crispy, salty tortilla chip. I spat in your face as I consumed vodka martinis and nibbled/devoured Doritos. Doritos of ALL flavors! Paleo, you stood by silently and patiently. You waited for me to come to my senses and here I am. I reluctantly take what you have to offer. I will curse you, I will complain at WODS (get ready guys, you ain't heard nothing yet) and consume your protein-rich recipes. I will talk about you with my CFF homies while I secretly wish you allowed more WHITE Carbs. I accept your challenge, Paleo. I accept and join my fellow Forward Peeps as we embark on a cleaner life.

  16. This will be my first paleo challenge. My goal is to try and make paleo and crossfit a lifestyle. While i do expect to indulge in pizza and cheesecake when the 30 days are up. I hope to keep the changes permanetly. By doing this i hope to be leaner and have more muscular definition. I have planned my first two weeks worth of dinners out breakfast and lunch are easy cause i pretty much eat paleo for those anyway. I will be keeping a food journal to help keep myself on track and monitor changes i feel or notice.

    My sanity items are going to be rice and dairy but my goal is to only have these items on my cheat day. My cheat day will start next sunday where i will have milk with breakfast, cheese on my salad for lunch and sushi for dinner followed by some dark chocolate. I am already starting to go throught reese cup withdrawls already.

    I am amped,

  17. I have decided to attempt my first ever paleo challenge! I am super excited about it, but I'm sure I'll drive Lindsay and Kent crazy with questions about what I'm eating - so be ready! I have given up gluten and sugar. My two sanity items will be white rice and a small amount of chocolate.

    I don't know what to expect out of this endeavor, but right now I'm a little grumpy and have a slight headache. I'm strong though, so I'm going to continue on...


  18. Paleo. The word itself pisses me off. I know that I feel better, sleep better, recover faster and generally become even more diesel when I follow a strict paleo and gluten free diet. The problem is that I love booze. And chocolate. I don't care about bread. I don't care about potatoes. I like beer. I like dark beer even more. So I'll be giving up those items listed above. Starting now because I had some delicious Canadian Cinnamon Whisky after lunch. And yes, it's spelled Whisky because it's from Canada and they do odd stuff up there. My epic cheat meals from Paleo challenge 2011 are a thing of the past. Wait, I forgot to mention donuts. I love donuts the most. I guess those are gone for April too. Ok, let's recap: Booze is gone (but I'll be crushing some Merlot to keep the shakes away). Donuts. Gone. I will eat meat, nuts, vegetables and a mango a day until I return. Unless I'm starving and have to eat an MRE but that's a bullsh*t cheat meal and shouldn't count. Well, I just got a text from Andy about making excuses so excuses are also gone. Paleo from here on out. I'm gonna keep a little dark chocolate around so I don't end up in jail and pack my backpack with Lara bars, almond butter and miscellaneous nuts. Also I heard they grow bananas around here so I'll keep some of those handy. My goals are 20 dead hang pull-ups wearing a 20# vest, OHS 205# and Clean and Jerk 275#. Admittedly those are quite lofty goals that may take longer than 30 days to accomplish but there they are for all to see. Yep. See you all real soon.

  19. Well, I am definitely feeling a sense of deja vous as I sit here and type this. It’s kind of funny that this challenge starts today, because I have been “paleo” for exactly one year now. It doesn’t seem like all that long ago that I asked Kent for a suggestion for a small dietary change, and he said to cut out grains (to which I replied, “no, you don’t understand – I said a SMALL change”). When I started out I pretty much followed the 80/20 rule, and I was very happy with that. Then came the challenge in November, and I did NOT want to do it. But peer pressure got the best of me - all the cool people were doing
    it :-), and so I reluctantly agreed. And I am glad that I did. I really thought that I would suck it up and do the challenge and go back to eating the way I did before, but I found that not cheating makes it much easier not to want to cheat, so I usually don’t.

    So here’s where the challenge comes in for me. Anyone who did this in November-December will remember me as the person who ate paleo pancakes/waffles and maple syrup every day, plus palm sugar in my coffee, dark chocolate made with maple syrup, chocolate in a cup, larabars, and often “several” paleo cookies (and I use that word very loosely!). I technically wasn’t cheating since I was only using natural sugars; I didn’t have to deduct any points, but I was still eating sugar EVERY day, several times a day. And I knew it. I follow a lot of paleo bloggers on facebook, and a big group of them got together and did a “21 Day Sugar Detox” in January. I wasn’t ready to try anything like that then so soon after the challenge, but when this one came around I figured that now was as good a time as any. I actually started already and am officially almost done with Day 9! (Once I made up my mind that I was going to do this, I was getting all worked up imagining how awful it was going to be - kind of like the open – so I just decided to start. I didn't even tell anyone that I was doing it because I honestly didn't know if I could.) The “21 Day Sugar Detox” is a program that was developed by Diane Sanfilippo, and it outlines three different levels from which to choose. When I bought the program (you have to pay to download it – if anyone is interested, I printed the whole thing out, and you are welcome to borrow it), I assumed that the different levels would be varying degrees of sugar omission, but I was quite disappointed to see that the sugar levels were all the same. The plans vary by grain and dairy consumption, and the highest level says no heavy cream. I decided that I couldn’t do no sugar and no cream at the same time, so I kept the cream for the first week and am dropping it for the last two. According to the plan, you can only eat one green-tipped (not quite ripe) banana OR one green apple a day, and that’s it – no other fruit, no honey, no syrup, no stevia, etc.

    My goal in doing this is to get my sugar cravings under control. I would like for most of my sugar to come from fruit, with a treat every now and then rather than every day. And I would like to be able to eat a paleo cookie and enjoy it, without feeling the need to eat 10 more. I am kind of curious as to how my energy level will change with the lack of sugar, too. I will actually be done with this program before the end of this challenge, so I will be able to let you all know if it worked! And once I am done, my sanity items will be full fat dairy products (cream, butter) and dark (86%+) chocolate!

  20. I also vow to do the paleo 30 day challenge.I have done this before and the results are awesome.I hope my family puts up with me as i go through withdrawals.My sanity items will be a piece of dark chocolate and i have not decided yet on the second item.What i expect to get out of this is to feel better,of course look better and crossfit better!!!!!!

  21. Ok so Dan and I are going to try this. We tried once before and it did not end well. Hopefully we now know what to expect and we are ready for the caffeine/sugar detox of the next week.

    Our sanity items are dairy and white rice.

    My measure of success will be getting over my addiction to colas and white cheddar popcorn.
    Starting on the 11th we have a 5 day trip to Miami for my best friend's wedding, that time is going to be interesting to navigate.

    Amanda Hamblin
    Dan Morgan

  22. Sanity items: white rice and coffee
    Goals: faster metcons, and a significantly higher CF total and other CF total, overall significant healthy weight gain (200+)
    Expected Challenges: kicking HFCS
    Hoping to be able to carry this through the majority of the Summer and do well at Beef a King
    -Dan Russell

  23. I will do Paleo for thirty days, including potatoes and limited dairy. My goal is to drastically increase my body fat and blood pressure.

    Tonight I will cry myself to sleep thinking of a five guys burger and a giant milkshake.


  24. :)
    My sanity items are dairy and rice.
    My goal is to feel healthy and enjoy Casey's awesome paleo cooking. Tonight's dinner was tilapia baked with apples, onions and berries. Yum!

  25. I started the Paleo diet January 1st, and have basically stayed clean ever since. (Coffee Creamer was added back into the diet in February) I can say you will cut some weight and my allergies are non-existent right now, which is a major plus. My sanity item will be oatmeal every so often for breakfast. (I made a week’s worth of Paleo banana pancakes today.) Second sanity item TBD… (Hoping I can stay with the black coffee for another month.) My goal is to make the (14) WOD’s in a month…
