Tuesday, April 24, 2012

As I struggled to come up with an intelligent and motivating post similar to the ones written lately, something became evident.  There is something this blog has been missing. An incoherent, irate rant about the silly things we say and do as part of the Crossfit community.

So if the last few post have inspired you like Bono’s monologues in between songs during a U2 concert, think of the following content as speed dating with Gary Busey after his three day crystal meth binge.

He likes long walk on the beach.
 “I want to lean out so I can perform better”

If it were true that an extremely low body fat percentage makes you a superior athlete, fashion models would be on the Olympics. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look better for purely aesthetic reasons.  Taking care of your appearance is a sign of pride and healthy self-esteem.

Be honest with yourself and avoid sounding like a fool in the process. The same goes for items as “Strong is the new skinny”. Strong people don’t make excuses for their commitment and passion.

PS: Stop looking at pictures on the internet of Crossfit athletes and hating yourself for not looking like them. Have you noticed how none of them have body hair, stretch marks or dry skin?  Do you think it’s the lack of grain?

“I want to do it RX but last time I did …(fill in the blank) hurt my back/ knee/ leg”

Really?!?! It HURT you?  If you are hurt, go see a Doctor or stay home and rest.  If you are not hurt but rather just sore then suck it up.  Both being sore and injuries are part of being an athlete.  These are your options:

-Stay home and rest or get medical attention.

- Take ownership of your well-being and scale the workout.

-Man/ Woman up.  The fact is your grandpa jumped out of a boat onto a beach in Europe while getting shot at and did not develop Rhabdo.   In the meantime your grandma, who was probably fitter than you, worked in a factory full-time lifting heavy things and was not crippled by injuries. They both went on with their life after the war and gave birth to a generation that expects to look like strangers they see on the media without ever feeling even the slightest of discomfort.
Not worried about fish oil or the mobility WOD.

“I want to do Paleo but I get bored eating the same thing all the time”.

I’m sorry, Pumpkin.  I forgot that your life prior to Paleo was nothing but an orgy of tasting menus at five star restaurants.

Odds are you ate the same stuff every day most days.  Well, get rid of the bread and move on.  In the words of Jim Wendler: “Really?* Fire up the grill.* Put chicken on grill.* Cook chicken.* Eat it.”

You got food choices & plenty of them.  It’s not about your diet choices but your lack of imagination.  By the way, do you remember those folks in Africa your parents lectured you about when you were a kid? They would gladly eat eggs for breakfast every morning.  


  1. Clean eating, no sanity items. No WOD, did the workout at home instead.

  2. let's try this again since I got an error message before (sorry of I end up posting twice). Ate well and had my 2 sanity items. The little caesars that my husband had for dinner was quite tempting but I resisted the delicious smell. Wod at 5:30. need to drink more water since I was cramping up during the workout. however, I did get a compliment that I am looking thinner :)

  3. No wod. Still sick...strep! Missing the gym!

  4. Feel better Melissa! Great wod at 9:30 this morning! Ate ok today, drank my water, had 1 sanity item... Looking forward to tomorrow's wod!


  5. Did my 15th wod of the month...yay! Only 1 sanity (cream in coffee, of course), drank plenty of water, ran out of fish oil, so I didn't take it today.

  6. Love this post!!!! Wod today my legs are freaking smoked from fran and all the lunges. Dinner was good after hearing Maria talk about chipotle me and Andrew decided to go. It was delicious i had rice, beans and cheese and it was the bomb.also had some strawberries and whip cream. Vitamins good water not so much i have really been bad about not drinking enough water in the last couple day. I need to work on that :-)

  7. I love this blog!!!! Ate well today, made some paleo chilli which even my kids scarfed up. No WOD but am looking forward to it in the morning. I need to work on drinking more water, especially when I work, I drink WAY too much coffee. Donna

  8. Okay day. Did indulge in some candy--specifically dum dums. But that is first cheat in 9 days. Wod was good. I love presses. I laughed literally out loud when I read this post.

  9. Did the wod this morning and ate okay. I have to say that I eat a much greater variety of food these days, way more than I did before. My kids, however, don't always appreciate this. ("How come most kids' parents just make them eat broccoli or green beans, but we have to eat weird stuff like rutabaga and parsnips?")
