Pessimism, cynicism, and all the rest of the negative-ism's need to be chucked.....up out of your vocabulary. As well, any remaining bits of negativity need to be purged. There is no reason for you to have doubt in what you can, or may accomplish here to forth. Right!
Now that we're ten pounds lighter and have a faint waft of confidence about ourselves let us continue.
Skills are learned and not given. Strength can come naturally, but must be nurtured in order to grow; funny saying strength and nurture in the same sentence, but it's good. Everyone has a set of skills that can be put forth in order to become stronger, not just in the gym but in every day living. Accomplishment is the greatest means to confidence, so accomplish more. Accomplish more in quality and leave the quantity to the number of reps you have to do tomorrow in the gym.
Here are some basic skills to increase your accomplishments daily, leave the gym stuff out of it for once (Diet is not a gym thing, it's a whole life thing so no donuts......Dave)
Make a list of everything you want to do before you go to bed. Simple enough. Use those skills of reading and writing and put them to good use. Jot down a quick list of WILL DO'S before dancing off on your slumber screen. Make it a list of no choice will do, don't add "wash hair" or "XYZ"(think third grade on that one). Here's a quickie for those:
*Quality breakfast
*430 Class
*Fold Laundry
*Pick Up Dry Cleaning
*Read CF Journal
*Read Headlines
Simple enough, but there is a great deal of confidence that comes along with having a set plan for the next day. Awesomeness ensues checking off the things you've done.
Secondly if you want to be successful at something read up on it. There's little doubt that the reason the best people in the gym don't pick up CrossFit walking in the door and set it down before they leave. You have to invest the things that make you happy. Become the current affairs person in your group of friends, or the random trivia, or better yet the recipe guru. I think you know what I'm getting at. People who are passionate about something are happier. Don't be lack-luster, be super-luster. Now get to reading something other than this blog, but please finish this post before you do.
Finally, be proud of what you can do. Look back at your success and don't let your life be bogged down because you're not in that super awesome job, house, car, boat, plane, train, or have a moped. You're here and there's not much else you can do about it. If you can do something about it why wasn't it on the list before you went to bed??? Why haven't you taken that next big leap??? If you can, go for it. If you can't move on, be proud that the opportunity was there and you let it pass. Success is once again a measure unto itself. Set the bar to someone else's standards and you won't meet it. You have accomplished a lot. You're through school (or nearly there), you have friends and family, your job provides, you'll wake up tomorrow and increase your awesome ten fold.
Live long and prosper.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the motivation and reasurance. Love the post! Did WOD today and no penalty burpees! ate clean and grilled some awesome tex-mex chicken on the grill for supper. MMMM MMM!
ReplyDeleteFood good but still sick. Blah.
Well, I had an unexpected cheat meal tonight. A friend invited us over for dinner and there was literally nothing Paleo on the menu. I've been to dinners before and always found something I could eat, but tonight there was not one thing:( I had planned on having my final cheat meal this weekend, but plans change and I will adjust. So, no more cheating for me! Went to the wod this AM, really need to figure out what I can change to help my rowing become better... lots of penalty burpees for me.
Wod at 5:30 today and no penalty burpees!!! Ate well even though there was a luncheon at work which had tons of non paleo food. However I found a few paleo friendly things to eat. Coworkers kept trying to get me to eat all the other stuff but I stuck to my paleoness (is that a word?) Much better on water today to make up for yesterday.
ReplyDeleteClean eating, no sanity items. Made the WOD this morning.
ReplyDeletefood ok, good sleep, short on water. Wod was rough but to be perfectly honest, I should have rowed harder to avoid burpees.
ReplyDeleteI, Carrie Maliszewski, demonstrated zero will power at the "make your own ice cream sundae" event at the preschool. It was delicious and the Caps just won, so I don't care......and, yes I have a headache :)
ReplyDeletePS-did the WOD today!
Wod today penalty burpees for me, Burned out at the end i was so close. Very disappointed in myself but oh well have to work harder next time. Dinner was great pork chops with apples. water and vitamins good.
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDid squats with some box jumps between sets followed by some C&J's for my strength today. Kent showed up and challenged me to the Regional WOD (2k row, 50 pistols, 225# Hang clean) and I was stupid enough to succumb to peer pressure. :SIGH: After 17 minutes of fun there, we did the Tabata row with Brittanie. Happy to report I did not have to do any burpees. Good times at Forward.
ReplyDeleteGood day. Tough wod w/ 28 penalty burpees since I am really bad at rowing . Great coaching by Sheena.
Did the WOD and ate ok.