Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Part of the Crowd

Do you admire your coach?  Do you revel in their ability to put a few words out into the universe and all the sudden you get your first double-under or kipping pull-up? 
What they can do is advise you best how to be successful.  They do it ten times daily with various athletes and athletic back-grounds.  The best coaches pull for you more than you pull for yourself.  But they can never move the weight or pull you over that bar themselves.  Your coach will push you to be personally responsible for your own success.  You have to trust that this isn’t the same fad diet or Jane Fonda DVD that hasn’t worked before.  This is an opportunity for you to wholly invest yourself, with an amazing support group, in order to become that much healthier.  
People now expect everything to work in 30-minutes or less, but the best things don’t work like that.  There is no pill that makes you feel achievement, lose weight (safely), or make friends.  You have to realize that if you have been out of shape for two-plus years, it is going to take about that much time to undo.  You can’t expect to pay less but get more, this isn’t Wal-Mart.  If you want to achieve your fitness goals then you have to make them consume you.  You have to look at what you’re doing outside your fitness routine to make yourself successful.  
You have a group of people whose goal is to make you stronger, healthier, and happier than you were when they met you.  Your coach, for what ever class you may come to, has goals they want you to achieve, they aren’t astronomical or without worth.  The goals your coach has for you are for your own personal success.  A coach won’t get rich by making you deadlift 300 pounds or snatch 95 pounds.  As a matter of fact your coach will probably never have any great measure of material wealth.  But they invest more in you than you may have known before reading this.  
The take aways from this are: you are your own measure of success; work towards your fitness goals outside of the gym; high-fives and ass-slaps (same sex only please) are awards for achievement; and lastly there is no one else to blame for your success or lack there of. 
People don’t like to hear that it’s their fault for where they are.  It’s always easier to blame someone else, don’t do it. You have too many people to help you to be successful than to say otherwise.  As well, you have to revel in your successes.  Don’t get mired down in what you can not do and miss all that you have accomplished. 
You are the reason for your own success, start acting like it.  
P.S.-Please take a moment to think about the vast amount of time your coaches have put into every second you’re there.  The knowledge gained isn’t through osmosis.  It takes hours outside the gym to find the best way for people to put up PR’s.  It takes hours outside the gym to find out how best to stretch that little ache out of your lower back.  It takes hours outside the gym buried in books and online articles to find the best way for you to become healthier.  Coaches are just as much invested in your success as you are.  
P.P.S-Ass slaps are only OK if you’ve been to that persons house.


  1. Couldn't have said it any better Byron. I am at work giving you a standing ovation and slow clap. People don't know what I am clapping for but are starting to join in.

    BTW, if you look in the crowd, you can see all the Forward folks fist pumping for Kent. This picture embodies us folks. We are all family here at Forward...DON'T FORGET IT!!

  2. Great blog! I posted the link to my fb and commented on how supportive the coaches are! When people ask me what is so special about crossfit I really struggled to put it to words and now I can..... It's having coaches believe you can do what you consider impossible before you even believe it!!

  3. Great Blog Byron!!!! Hit the Box this morning and had a great workout, Thank's for the great coaching Lindsay, and thank's for the wonderful programing Kent! Got all my water in today, and ate pretty good, did have one of my sanity item's, Chocolate.

  4. Good day! Food is good. WOD was good. I did regular Cindy RX!!! My hands are in bad shape...but hey, I lost the band! Awesome coaching by Ms. Sheena! --Melissa

  5. Good food day today. Had my sanity items - don't think I could survive without them ;) Wod at 530. Thanks for pushing me Sheena!!

    1. So, as soon as I wrote this my husband walked in the door and told me I am taking a cheat meal so I can eat the ice cream he brought me. Therefore, cheat for me today. Oh my gosh it's delicious too! ;)

  6. Food was good today ,no sanity items,wod was awesome this morning

  7. Food was good today forgot to take my protein so i added some rice to dinner tonight. I really apperciate all my coaches and fellow athletes. I was just having this conversation with Carrie the other day about the enviroment. You can go to any other crossfit gym in the area and get the wod but what i pay for is the enviroment. Sheena awesome class today thanks for pushing me through.

  8. Only one sanity item today, water was good, took fish oil, and did the WOD (with NO band)!

  9. Great blog, great WOD, great coaches!!!! There aren't enough words to express how I feel about CFF, I truly feel like I am a stronger person in every way than I was just a couple of months ago when I started. Thank you guys for all the supportive coaching!!!! I ate well today and am drinking lots of water. Donna

  10. food & water ok. Wod at 4:30 with a hopping crowd.
    ps: Thanks Gin for your kind words.

  11. Had both sanity items today, felt great about the wod this AM. Feel I'm getting stronger everyday I set foot into CFF, LOVE IT! Thanks to ALL the coaches, don't say it enough, but I do appreciate you. It's a great family and I am so thankful to be a part of it!


  12. Tough wod today but feeling good on day 4 of the newly dubbed " T Phelps no sugar Experiment " Drank my water, ate well and took my fish oil. Go me!!

    Great post Byron...

  13. Clean eating, sanity creamer in coffee. Great Spawn of Cindy WOD, tough but glad I did it RX.

  14. Oops, forgot to post in a timely manner. Ate fine and did the wod in the morning. Managed not to break my face :-) Thanks for getting a mat for me, Dana!

  15. Great post. I love my coaches and thank each and everyone one of them for believing in me when I wasn't so sure :-)

    Clean eating, missed WOD due to travel.
