Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 8 of "Paleo My Way"

Happy Easter CrossFit Forward


I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend with family and friends. Are you able to keep all those cravings at bay?  This is a difficult time for everyone.  Run away from the candy bowls and Aunt Susie Q's famous yeast rolls.  You'll thank me later.

So, how is everyone sleeping?  Good? Bad?  Not at all?

I know for a lot of us, sleep has been somewhat of a challenge since "Paleo My Way" has started. 

Here are some tips for getting those needed hours of ZZZZZZZZ's:

Stay strong my friends. Everyone is doing a great job. 



  1. Happy Easter everyone. I had my "cheat" meal of grilled veggie pizza today with pesto all prepared by me so I could half way control the "cheat". I ran 5 best yet. I'm working up for the RARE 10K. Mike has been an ASS all day so I guess it's finally caught up to him but he's still eating clean (with an attitude though!) Enjoy your time with your family today!

  2. HAPPY EASTER!!! Today was a great day with Maria and my family. We ate tenderloin, asparagus, greens, deviled eggs, and sauteed onions. For dessert, berries and whipped heavy cream. It was awesome. No workout today.


  3. No WOD today. Just lamb, brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes, plus cider. Yay Happy Easter everyone.

  4. At work today. Tail end of a 36hr shift. Wod with the guys at work, food ok, water ok.

  5. ok so i used my cheat meal tonight,but i didnt go hog wild,i also got the red wine -something Loon and i actually liked it-Ran 2 miles today for my wod(hope it was long enough to count as a wod)
    Happy Easter!!!!!

  6. No wod today. Had a cheat meal for dinner and it was amazing... But I tried to keep it as paleo as possible! Looking forward to being back in VA and at the gym tomorrow. Happy Easter all!!

  7. Stayed clean, no sanity or cheats, no WOD today. Ran a 5k with the kids on their bikes, fun was had by all…

  8. I ate clean today, but felt like crap all day. I am getting headaches far too often! Had a great day with family despite how I felt. Drank some red wine with dinner, so good! I'm tired of the headaches, any suggestions?


    1. Are you drinking enough water?
      When I first started paleo I had horrible headaches. The eventually went away.
      Hang in there girl! Tell the kids I missed them Wednesday! Melissa

  9. Used my cheat meal for dinner, but kept it pretty clean. Back to back cheat meals means a tough week ahead for me. I think staying Paleo is hard when I am traveling and when I am around my extended (Italian) family! Water and fish oil....check. WODing at 6am at Crossfit Fort Bragg with my brother. Wish me luck!!

  10. Had a great meal for dinner (almost the same as Kents). But I had a piece of coconut cake for was way too sweet. Spent an hour on the soccer field and basketball court with the kids today. Good times.

  11. Drove home from my grandparents today. Stayed on Paleo through dinner except for the Carbomb cupcake I had for dessert. Spent time running around with my nieces hunting Easter eggs and having fun. Looking forward to xfit in the am.

  12. Had my cheat meal today--I tried not to have sugar or gluten, but dessert got me!! Damn cupcakes!! No WOD today, but I did yesterday and had a really tough time--thanks for the encouragement Lindsay and Sheena. I'm keeping up with the fish oil and water. Can't wait to hear how Crossfit goes for Carrie tomorrow at Fort Bragg. See yall' in the morning!

  13. Today was great went for a jog real easy peezy. Diet on track, the hardest part of the day was everyone posting on Facebook about how great Reese cups are on Easter. Knowing that I have 3 more in the fridge 1 for all my cheat days. I built it up in my head that this challenge was going to be really tough. But we are 8 days in already and time is flying by. Each day it is so much easier to make the right choices. When I think about cheating I think of what I hope to gain from this and it detoures me. Happy Easter!!!

  14. I took my cheat very early this week. Lunch with friends at Pancho Villa. But was back on track with dinner. Slacking on my fish oil and water this weekend. Maybe I will set reminder with my phone like I do for everything else to help me be consistent.

  15. Stayed on track despite seven hours of driving and rest stop temptations like cinnabuns. My body's definitely still craving sugar. Casey and I had salad bowls at a texmex place for dinner. Rest day for both of us.
    Final project and exam time for me plus a conference in Tampa to go to Thursday thru Sunday ....I may be missing from the gym this week. :(

  16. Rest Day. Ate fine - ham, broccoli, deviled eggs, and cauliflower "potato" salad. Actually made my own mayonaisse, which wasn't too bad. I also made "bunny (carrot) soup" from the Eat Like a Dinosaur book. It was not good. (And my family, who knows I am eating more meat these days, kept asking me if there was rabbit in it.) I managed to stay away from the Easter candy, but I have to admit that I filled me children's baskets with poison. They appreciated it :-)

  17. Had a cheat meal for Easter. Could really feel a difference in my workout today,

  18. Totally completely without a shadow of a doubt, FELL OFF THE PALEO WAGON!!!!!! It's all good though. Back on track now
