Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Sweet Potato Fries

I love a hot batch of seasoned sweet potato fries fresh out of the oven. So naturally when I saw this recipe on Health Bent my taste buds were intrigued. I gave it a whirl and was not disappointed.  

2 medium sweet potatoes, cut into matchsticks about the width of your pinky finger.
8 oz bacon, don’t use thick cut

Get your oven to 425°F and place your oven rack in the center of the oven. Slice each piece of bacon in half, lengthwise and then in half, widthwise. So you’ll have 4 strips cut from 1 piece of bacon. Wrap 1 strip of bacon around 1 matchstick sweet potato. Lay on a baking sheet that’s been lined with a silicone pat or parchment paper. Repeat until all the bacon is gone. If you have left over sweet potatoes, toss ‘em on the pan too, they’ll cook beautifully in all the rendered bacon fat. Bake for 15 minutes until the sweet potatoes feel soft. Then turn the oven to broil and let the tops get crispy.


  1. Looks awesome Sheena!!!!!!!! I can't wait to try these!! Ok, now for the truth. It's been a tough week all around for me. Taking one stressful moment at a time. I have found that "FOOD" is the choice of poison for me when life gets out of hand. Learning how to manage that. I am so proud of everyone for doing this challenge. Lets face it.....if it was easy we all would be paleo gods and goddesses. I am reminding myself to relax, breath, and dont be so hard on myself. When I do slip, get right back on track and keep pushing FORWARD!!!!

  2. Diet is good so far BUT I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO HUNGRY today,I dont know why....No wod today

  3. Those bacon sweet potato fries look absolutely delicious! Will def have to try them :) Wod this morning at 8 and food was good today.

  4. Finally made it back for a WOD today, felt great! My food was good today too, no sanity items for me, woohoo:-) Looking forward to seeing the 9:40, oops, I mean 9:30 peeps on Monday morning!


  5. No Wod today, Cheat meal for Dinner. You are the Best LInds!!

  6. Had an accidental cheat today... The kids made some popcorn and I ate some, the Paleo police reminded me corn is a legume and not paleo friendly. (Damn) Did a WOD at home today, ran 2.5 miles and then half Murphy. Never as much fun to do this on your own…

    1. It was brought to my attention that corn is a grain... Sorry for the mistake, I am told it is only a misdemeanor offence.

  7. Made the Wod this morning and it was fun, i love how Kent always has some crazy Wod on Sat so you still hurt on Sun lol. I actually made these fries tonight and they were BEAST and went perfectly with my salmon burgers. Great paleo day workout with some great peeps!!!!!

  8. I really needed to hear what you had to say Linds!! Terrible evening. I ate good all day and lost it this evening. Easter candy on the kitchen table and pms do not mix well. Oh well, I'll be back on track tomorrow after I get over my sugar hangover in the morning! I made sure to take my fish oil this evening and drank lots of water. Can't wait to see Christi at the 9:40 class on Monday!! ;)

  9. Great Paleo day, killer WOD, as always used both sanity items, water, and fish oil. I'm also looking forward to the 9:40 on Monday :)


  10. I'm posting late...WOD was great today, had alot of fun! Diet wasn't so great, too much candy temptation at work. Ugh, I feel terrible but still no gluten. Tomorrow is another day......Donna

  11. Ran in the morning and ate okay. Also spent the day patrolling the household; it's a tough job, but somebody has to do it :-)

  12. Wod at 8am. Ate well all day & then had my cheat meal for dinner. I will not go into details but it will suffice to say that unlike Dave, my actions were likely felonies and not just misdemeanors.

  13. Didn't do so great with the food last night. :( I got in a 4 mile run...some toes to bar...worked on my pull up. And did a lot of dancing!
    Back on the wagon today!

  14. Was only able to do 3 wods this week due to a busy weekend, and had my cheat meal at my father's retirement ceremony. To go along with the theme of this thread, it was definitely a felony. Looking forward to being able to go to the gym more this week and the rare 10k!

  15. Did well on food yesterday and got to spend some time walking around Tampa. :)

  16. I thought sweet potatoes were a no-no
