Thursday, April 5, 2012

Coping with Paleo Anger


Hello everyone, this is Jeremy AKA “J. Eck”. For some reason they asked me to write a blog today. I know you are scratching your head wondering why they’d ask me (don’t feel bad, I’m doing the same). Guess they ran outta cool recipes to share or they’ve all decided to off themselves because they can no longer have sugar. Either way, here we go. 
Welcome to day 5 of the Paleo challenge.  At this point, most of you are probably going through “awesome” food withdrawal and contemplating killing your significant other and all those around you; Don’t feel bad, I felt the same when I first started paleo; truth be told, many-a-nights Heather woke up to me standing above her with a pillow in my hand and crazy look in my eye….Love you baby.  Here is the place I’m supposed to tell you it gets easier and blah blah blah. Well guess what?? J. Eck don’t sugar coat anything.  Depending on your previous diet, these next 9 days may be hell. All that being said, let me give you some pointers on handling the rage and anger that is built up inside you from the sugar withdrawal.
1.  Know that coworker who is eating pizza right now and making it look so damn tasty? Ya, walk over to him or her and slap the pizza outta their hand and punch them in the face. WOW, that felt great didn’t it???
2.  Know that female coworker who comes in with her Viente Carmel Frappachino and a double chocolate chip muffin for breakfast? Please walk up to her, take that Frappachino, and dump it over her head while screaming obscenities at the top of your lungs. Remember that double chocolate chip muffin? Grab that muffin, take a few bites of it, and spit it out…you’re not technically ingesting it so you’re still on the paleo band wagon (J. Eck will not hold anything against you).
3.  Know those vending machines at work with all that wonderful junk food and sugary beverage to wash said wonderful junk food down? Walk out to the car and lift the mat in your trunk, see the spare tire, floor jack, and tire iron? Grab that tire iron and walk back to those dispensers of devil food (I prefer doing this when tons of people are in the break room, no one is gonna mess with you after you pull this one,  #streetcred and skating on easy street from here on out) and begin beating the living crap out of it with that tire iron (while yelling obscenities of course)……Don’t stop now, let that thing know that you mean business (don’t worry about your coworkers, who is gonna stop the crazy person wielding a tire iron and destrominating the vending machines?). Now walk back to your desk and sit down like nothing happened. Feel better yet?
Those are 3 ideas devised, approved, and condoned by J. Eck.  Feel free to use your imagination and think of a few of your own (please share as I like seeing what makes people tick).  Hopefully, this brought some humor to your situation. If you do decide to follow through with one of my ideas, please DO NOT call me as I do not have the money to bail your crazy A$$ out; I will deny ever knowing you and erase this blog so that there is no evidence to bring me down with you. Good luck and stay strong folks and I promise this will all pay off.


  1. I have been a beast lately!!! Guys, I am going to spit out what I always laugh at people for saying. Here goes.....I REALLY DON'T EAT THAT BAD!!!! I really never thought I did but these detox feelings are horrible so I must have been doing something wrong. I'm guesing the 2/3 cheat meals I used to have per week would keep me stable during the days that I did eat paleo. I have vowed to have ZERO gluten and refined sugar for this whole month so everybody is just going to have to love me regardless of my bitchy behavior. Like J Eck says, stay strong. This feeling will pass. We must push FORWARD.

    Love you guys

  2. Thanks for that post Jeremy. Made my day reading that - you're too hilarious! I was good on the paleo food again today. Had my sanity cheese, of course. I am visiting my mom and she thinks I am crazy. I am feeling really good and have a ton of energy, even after driving for 5.5 hours. Usually I am a crabby, tired, hot mess after that drive, but I actually wasn't today. I did have a few cravings, but tried to distract myself with other things. No wod today, obviously, but with all of this energy I might even go for a run tomorrow (what??? who am I????) :) Thanks for all the support everyone and like Lindsay said... keep pushing FORWARD!

  3. Thank's for the laughter Jeremy, went to open gym this morning, had my sanity item today, hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight.

  4. Day five -craving sugar tonight,think i might go to bed-but i really want some SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ran this morning and then came in and did "angie" during open gym; I fear that I may not be able to move my arms tomorrow. Ate fine, but had to go to a middle school band concert where big pieces of chocolate cake with chocolate icing were served. If only I had read this blog first, I might have implemented idea #2! I tried some primal hot cereal today. I thought that it was really good and that it tasted like oatmeal, but Dave told me that it didn't and that I only thought so because I hadn't had any oatmeal in a really long time. If anyone wants to try it mix up (in a food processor): 1/2 cup almonds, 1/2 cup pecans, 1/2 banana, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. salt, and 1/4 unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Warm it in the micorwave and add more milk to taste.

  6. I'm actually feeling pretty darn good right now. Didn't even have a piece of fruit today since no wod = no fruit. Drinking my water, taking my fish oil, etc. Maybe my cravings are gone since I'm wiping snot off of the dogs noses every five seconds and it is grossing me out. Hey, whatever works.
    Everyone is doing great...tomorrow is friday and we can overcome.


  7. Well everyone, I took my own advice and am writing you from jail. Some big bubba guy keeps eyeing me and is treating me real nice. HELP!!!!!!

  8. Good relaxing day today. Great time with Lindsay & Kent this morning at the gym.
    I keep failing when I squat over 300#. It's very frustrating but all you can do is keep trying. 10# pr on the snatch thanks to some great coaching.
    I am amazed by the amount of food I am currently consuming. It's likely that I am personally responsible for the dead of several heads of livestock in the area.
    I know it doesn't make sense considering my caloric intake but I'm hoping to lean out by the end of the challenge.
    No cheats but the cheese topping the meatballs was aaaaammmmaaaasing.

  9. Stayed clean today and no sanity items (at this point it’s a life style for me). However, I did not get a WOD in today. I have been clean with the paleo diet since January 1st. I read Rob Wolf’s book, and among the many benefits your allergy symptoms would improve. Normally this time of year I would have very bad allergies issues feeling miserable. So far, I do not have any of the normal seasonal allergy problems. For this alone I am preaching the paleo gospel, it is a measurable benefit… (Stay Strong, Get Strong)

  10. I slept like total crap last night. I think I got about 3 hours. :( I am hoping tonight is different. Had to make a trip to Richmond son picked Cheesecake Factory for lunch. IT WAS NOT FUN EATING THERE!
    Had spaghetti squash tonight. yum.
    Still need to work on my water. Plan on being at the gym in the morning.

  11. Had a good day today, craved chocolate for the first time, but did not give in to it. It's been two days with no sanity items. My mom invited me over to lunch tomorrow and I told her about the challenge. She then suggested I eat before I come over, lol. I'm so glad I took this challenge!


  12. Thanks that just are my day. I didn't ake open gym but did get in two solid hours of rugby with lots of rucking. Ate really well today despite going out for dinner after rugby. Everyone around me had really tasty looking burgers and fries. I had grilled salmon ans asparagus. Looking forward to xfit tomorrow morning. Need something to take my mind off the midget trying to screw his way out of my temples.

  13. Good Paleo day. Great recovery WOD at open gym! Had cream in my coffee and white rice with dinner. Water and fish oil..check!

  14. Overall had a pretty good day. Dropped in for open gym this morning to attempt double unders--to no avail! Last week my shoulders were really bothering me--much better this week. I started to get bored and hungry this afternoon and made myself go for a run--I actually ran a whole mile without stopping. A year ago that would've never happened--going for a run or not resting!! Cravings are still there, but not quite as bad. Legs and butt still sore from Monday!! Luckily I haven't flipped out on anyone yet, so I'm not in jail! Maybe Erin will bail you out J.Eck!!

  15. Love the blog, made me laugh after a day of feeling cranky.....thanks for that!!!!! Good day today, no sanity items. Donna

  16. I couldn't sleep at all last night either. This blog was perfect for me today. It took all the strength i had not to bash my husband in the head with a bottle of Perrier while he walks me down the candy isle in Giant and ask me to help him find the Cadbury eggs with carmel in them. He barley made it out alive. For my work out i went to kickboxing and did alot of conditioning. Still on track with my diet but i am no fun to be around.

  17. So today was a good day. I can definitely hear my body crying out for something im not supposed to have. However I have not been as grouchy as the last time we did this. I rowed 2k tonight in 8:09. Let me just say this again for anyone who may not know...I HATE ROWING!!!!!!

  18. Yesterday was tough for me and Casey. Paleo is hard to stick to when you're limited to rest stop options. I subsisted on fruit and nuts, the two things I was hoping to limit this challenge. Oh well. :)
