Monday, April 9, 2012

The Ice Bath

I hate them.  I really do.  But from personal experience... they do help with the healing process after intense sessions in the gym.  Here's a little information on some techniques on how to do it and why you should.

Simply prepare a cold bath with the help of a bag of ice and hop in as soon as you possibly can after you finish your training session.  The water should ideally be 10-15 degrees Celsius. (50 degrees F) Contrary to popular belief... it does not need to be ICE COLD water.  Stay in for 10-15 minutes.  The hardest part is getting in and staying in for the first couple of minutes.  If this is impossible for you do muscle through, there's a second option.  Contrast therapy will give the same benefit.  To perform, one simply needs to set up a cold bath and a hot bath or shower.  Get in the cold bath and stay for one minute, then switch to the hot for two minutes.  Four or five cycles should do. 

So what's the science behind it? Why in the hell would you ever want to do subject yourself to this form of torture?  When we work our bodies, our tissues suffer from micro-trauma.  After a particularly lengthy or intense sessions, We know that our bodies are going to be sore the next day or even the day after that. (DOMS)  In an effort to prevent or at least shorten our downtime to heal we can use a technique called cold-water immersion.  The exposure to the cold constricts blood vessels, decreases metabolic activity, reduces swelling, helps stimulate repair of tissues, and flushes waste products.  After the areas go numb from exposure, we then get out of the cold and warm ourselves up.  Blood flow increases to the affected areas, flushes out our muscles and further stimulates growth and recovery.

Try it out.  Post your results.  Let us know how the ice bath works for you.   


  1. Love the ice baths. Here is how I do it. Turn water on and immediately throw in 2 huge bags of ice. Now hop in as quick as possible and take it like a champ (you won't feel a thing in 2 minutes). DON'T ease yourself in inch by inch as it sucks more that way. Get in, get frozen (20 minutes is what I do), then hop in a hot shower to flush everything. Oh and spandex seems to help the situation.

  2. Day 9 went to a waterpark today with my salad and while everyone was having icecream i was eating carrots,you know it didnt even bother me.Diet in check-Wod of the day -1 mile run and then 21-15-9 of walking lunges,burpees and air squats...

  3. Diet went well, but for the small ice cream cone I ate....damn vacation=less willpower! I did, however, go to a 6 am WOD at CF Ft. Bragg. It was 3rds of 800m row and 30 ring dips. Took me 19 minutes but did first 2 rds on parallel bars with NO band!

  4. Great day today!!!! All is good once again in my paleo world. No sanity items today.


  5. Used my rice sanity option today, other than that full paleo! Power cleans are always a lot more difficult than I originally think...

  6. Back in va now so I'm back to my normal routine. Food was good today - all paleo - and got my wod in at 5:30. seems to be getting easier to eat paleo, especially when I am not tempted by the Easter candy in my mom's house! Keep up the good work all!

  7. Food ok, water ok, suppl ok. CFF was busting with energy tonight.
    I probably need more rest (based on how my legs felt during the wod)
    Thanks to Byron & Jeremy for the encouragement during the wod.

  8. Great job by everyone so far. Gym was packed tonight and we had to run heats for the 430 and 530 classes. WE NEED A BIGGER PLACE STAT!!!!!!

    1. working on it big guy!!!!! Get ready to help us move:)

  9. did well for the most part today, breakfast and lunch ok, cheated a lil during dinner (couldn't help adding some beans to my chipotle, otherwise good...WOD went ok until my knee started hurting again and got a big DNF by my name

    love Maria

  10. Ate paleo. No workout. Killer headache all afternoon, fuzzy brain and no energy. I must be doing something wrong. Didn't have any headaches last time. Relying on Advil to make it through the days.

    Casey had a shake for breakfast, bacon cheese burger salad for lunch and hot wings with two "paleo" beers for dinner. No work out either but he did enjoy some quality time with his folks before they head back to Idaho tomorrow.

  11. Stayed on track again, had 1 sanity piece of dark chocolate today. (My first since starting the challenge) Made it this evening for the 4:30 WOD. I didn't get my headache today, but still don't feel great. Thank you Andy for helping me with that! I think that I may need to eat more, I'm also going to try to drink even more water (thanks Melissa)


  12. Back on track today after that cake yesterday. I had a pretty good day overall. I managed to just eat a bit of fruit-less than usual. I did have rice with my dinner tonight. I found these scallops wrapped in bacon in the freezer section at Costco--had some of those tonight. They were pretty good. They don't have preservatives either! Had a great workout this morning-felt much better than Saturday!

  13. Great WOD with the ladies at the 9:30. Ate well all day...until I hit the movies and had a little popcorn! AUGH! It was only two handfuls but I shouldn't have done it.
    Tomorrow is a different day. :)

  14. Diet in check, delicious spicy chicken soup for dinner caught the 530 wod. Good day good wod

  15. I had to go for a little dark chocolate tonight but otherwise food was good. Made the 4:30 WOD today, wow it was packed!! Loved the workout and the energy in the gym, it was fun and I did my VERY FIRST DOUBLE UNDER!!! I can't even say how happy I am about that :))))). Thank you for the coaching Byron! Donna

  16. Dear Spring,
    I love your pretty flowers and sunshine but I hate your pollen.
    I drank my weight in herbal tea to help my poor throat. Didn't eat enough since had no appetite. Stayed on track with what I was able to eat. No sanity chocolate but had cheese on my eggs. Overall, feeling pretty okay, cravings are under control. No wod.

  17. Getting a Big Fat F for not posting same day, Eat well today, no sanity item's and only one apple today, going to be cutting down on the fruit.

  18. Did the wod at 5:30 am, and ate fine all day. Need to work on getting more water.

  19. Stayed clean, no sanity, did the WOD Monday.

  20. Dan and I ate well, we didn't get to the WOD.
